Wednesday, July 6, 2011

what age does menopause start

Every woman is different. Some sail through every phase of menopause with nary a symptom while others start to feel the effects early. There is no “magic” age for the onset of menopausal symptoms. Sure, menopause is natural. . .but it’s not always fun! Fortunately, there are practical and natural ways to combat most of the uncomfortable symptoms.

Estrogen Withdrawal

One way to look at menopause is as a sort of natural withdrawal. The estrogen that coursed through your body when you were younger is now diminishing and your body is adjusting to the changes. Depression, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, urinary changes and bloating are all common side effects of changes in estrogen balance.

Don’t Suffer in Silence!

This isn’t the Stone Age, girls! You don’t have to suffer in silence any longer. There are a variety of options from breathable clothing that mitigates hot flashes to dietary changes that reduce bloating. And, hormone therapy is also an option. . .although it’s not without potential side effects.

Help from Mother Nature

Fortunately, there’s help from Mother Nature, too. Certain herbal extracts and plants like black cohash have been used for years to provide menopausal relief. Now, there’s a completely natural and safe botanical formulation that will ease you into the next phase of life.

Introducing. . .Menozac

Menozac is formulated with the best-known combination of phytoestrogen botanicals. The well-researched blend provides relief from menopausal symptoms while supporting your body and helping it to maintain more balanced hormonal levels.
what age does menopause start

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